Principal Message Your Success is our reward...!!
Principal's Desk

Rajarambapu College of Sugar Technology follows a philosophy of “Knowledge is Processing Power”. Today, in 21st Century, the sugar industry is one of the pioneer industries amongst all industrial worlds in India. The state of Maharashtra is highest sugarcane cultivating state of India. The sugar industry has given opportunity to work to many technologist, expert technicians, and scientists. It also supports allied institutions and industrial units on large scale. Hence, it is called as an “Architect of Indian Village Economy”.
Still, there is a lacking of separate educational institution/course that provides the skilled expertise, knowledge to step into the shoes of “Sugar Technologist” considering the developments in the Indian sugar industry. This college is established in the year 2010 (vide sanction by Government of Maharashtra affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur)with the intention of producing the expert/skilled manpower required for sugar and allied industries, and for innovative research in sugar processing at Isalmpur . This college is situated on the border of Sangli & Kolhapur district in western Maharashtra, where wide range of sugar/alcohol industries are located.
This is the only one college fully devoted to produce sugar technologist in Maharashtra where wide range of prosperous opportunities are open for the graduates after the completion of graduation course. Rajarambapu College of Sugar Technology provides the amenities to encourage the students to meet the challenges in their own strides. Well-designed need based structure of the courses, availability of in-plant training, laboratory facility, library facilities and direct work experience in sugar/alcohol industries will help the students in developing the confidence powered with knowledge in real life work environment.
The college has good infra-structure set up, MOU’s with several sugar/alcohol industries, student caring facilities, and competent advisors and academicians with high expertise and knowledge of different aspects of sugar technology. We the management team wishes you the success, invites every student to experiment with the hidden talent amongst them to prove that they are the BEST…………!!!!
Dr. A. N. Basugade
Rajarambapu College of Sugar Technology, Islampur
Technical Director

He has worked in various sugar factories for 40 years in sugar industries as Deputy Chief Chemist, Chief Chemist, quality Control Officer & General Manager. He is a Fellow Member of Sugar Technologists Association, New Delhi.
He has received several awards and Life Member of Deccan sugar Technologists association, Pune. He has published several Technical Papers in various seminars of DSTA/STA. At present he is also working as PRMC (project review monitor committee) member for project pre-clarification of molasses to enhance alcoholic production sponsor by Principle Scientific Advisor to government of India.
Mr.V. R. Kaledhonkar (FSTA)
ANSI (Sugar), Technical Director
Rajarambapu College of Sugar Technology, Islampur